Ambassador Fatumanava attends the First Pacific ACP-EU High Level Political Dialogue in Apia, Samoa

PC: Samoa Observer

The first Pacific ACP-EU High-Level political Dialogue since the launch of the Post-Cotonou negotiations in September 2018, was held at the Taumeasina Island Resort in Apia from 25th – 26th February 2019.

The Dialogue was the first EU high-level engagement with the ACP regions on the Post-Cotonou negotiations.

During the meeting, Leaders received an update on progress achieved up to the end of 2018 with the technical negotiations undertaken by our Ambassadors and senior EU officials and second, the Pacific priorities and challenges beyond 2020.

With respect to Pacific priorities, Pacific Leaders identified the following seven main key areas:

  • Genuine partnerships;
  • Ocean governance through the Blue Pacific identity;
  • Safeguarding the region’s resources and security;
  • The economic potential and sustainability of the region’s fisheries resources;
  • Commitment to addressing climate change and disaster resilience;
  • Sustainable development; and
  • Education and health

Pacific Leaders also requested for adequate and predictable funding in the new partnership beyond 2020 to ensure effective means of implementation, including appropriate financing modalities, focusing on sustainable capacity building support for regional and national institutions, their civil society organisations, and the private sector.

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